Women against Global Warming

Who loves their skin than all the beautiful women out there? They do all the many facials and the variety of moisturizers and all the other things. What do they say? "Beauty is only skin deep."
Skin cancer is one of the main cancer concerns of the world when Global Warming hits.
I hear a lot about woman power these days. Why don't all women decide to stand up against global warming.
Come on women! Don't you love your skin?

Sushhhhh - The woman of today!

People are increasingly becoming more particular about who they marry. But then, nobody is tailor made for anybody, right? So do we abandon the whole institution of marriage? A family of father and mother is what a any normal child should have for a healthy upbringing.

Sushmita Sen adopted her second child. Now Alisah is officially Alisah Sen. I'm not questioning her maternal talents. I'm just wondering if it is right to promote single parenting when being in a position of an Icon and leading the people.

In a society where more and more people are having trouble getting married owing to their own million problems, fantasies or whatever many reasons, and now we tell them, its ok. You dont need a husband/wife. Just get yourself a child and you have a family and also all the freedom to do whatever you want and be with whoever,whenever you want by just having enough money to pay for the upbringing.

We're not talking bargains with life here. That if you can't get a family with a husband, get a baby. And celebrities have a responsibility to lead the generation. Maybe Sushmita in particular isn't looking at having her own children to produce in now her own Miss-Universe-factory but there are people who will adopt girls to run wrongful rackets.

But then why only girls? Previously people discriminated against girls and now they want to discriminate against the male child? Why do you want two girl children? Why not a single boy? Whats against the men in the family? She doesn't want to get married and she doesn't want a male child. I see some man-hating there. Is that the imbalanced atmosphere we want children to be growing up in?

And that is only the consequence on the the child's life. What about the people who will follow Sushmita's footsteps and the effect on their children?